Ego Death + Rebirth Assistance
This is an intense energy exchange to help you end one cycle of your life and begin a new one.
Let’s discover the limits of your current ego construction to see what’s holding you back. Which aspects of you are ready to be dissolved so that more of your spirit can emerge?
We meet. We enter a place of intimacy. We get real. I hold the space and help draw you out so that you can put words around the conversation you cannot have with anyone else, even your closest friends. A conversation about the ache. The limitation. The frustration. The dysfunction. The stuck feeling. The victim story. The suffering. The shame. The despair. The longing for change. We feel our way around the limits of it, create new containers to hold it with compassion, and then find pathways forward. Honestly, there is no procedure. What happens in each session is the magic of alchemy. You bring your real self and I bring mine. Together we clear the ground for change, healing, and transformation. This is the work of spiritual ascension and I am here to help you get to new levels.
You will leave the session with more self-trust, a deeper seat of confidence, calmer clarity, and a renewed enthusiasm for your Self.
If you speak Human Design or astrology, we can bring those tools in to help us relate, connect, and share information. If not, we will ground the conversation in practical ways to understand and transform your experience of being alive.
60-80 min on Zoom